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Tips For Retaining More Of Every Exciting Book You Come Across

There are many benefits to reading more, but perhaps my favorite is: a good book can give you a new way to describe your past experience.

Whenever you learn a new idea or concept, it looks like the software in your brain will be updated. Suddenly, you can run all the old data through the new program. You can learn new things from the past. As Patrick O’Shaughnessy put it, “Reading has changed in the past.”

Of course, this is true only if you put in and remember the insights from the board books printing you are reading. Knowledge will only be increased if it is kept. In other words, the important thing is not only to read more, but to get more out of each book you read.

Of course, knowledge is not the only reason for reading. Reading for leisure or entertainment can make the most of time, but this article is about reading to learn. With this in mind, I want to share some of the best reading comprehension strategies I have found.

1. Read more

It hardly takes some time in figuring out what’s worth reading. Skills and advanced ideas are obvious.

Therefore, more people need to use books than to start with and make sure they are actually custom book printing edition. This does not mean you have to read every page from page to page. You can browse the table of contents, title and subtitles. Choose an interesting section and read a few pages in depth. The document can be turned over and any key point or table can be searched confidently. After ten minutes, you will have a logical idea that it is going to be good.

Then comes the important step: Stop the book immediately, do not feel guilty or ashamed.

Life is too short to waste paper. The cost of space is huge. There are so many amazing things to read. I think Patrick Collison, the founder of Stripe, put it well.

Here is my suggestion:

Start other books. Leave most of them alone. Read big things twice.

2. Choose a document that can be used immediately

One way to improve reading comprehension is to choose books that you can apply for right away. Applying the ideas you read is one of the best ways to keep them in mind. Practice is a very effective learning method.

Choosing a book you can use also provides a strong motivation to see and remember the material. This is especially true when something important is waiting. For example, if you are starting a business, then you are very motivated to get everything from the marketing brochure you are reading. Similarly, biologists are able to read the Origin of Species more readily than their readers randomly, because it directly affects their daily work.

Of course, not every book with custom hardcover book printing is a practical guide that can be applied immediately, which is great. But I find that I also tend to remember books that are related to my daily life.

3. Create a note that may be required

Write down what you read. You can do this as you wish. It doesn’t have to be a huge production or a complicated process. Just do a few things to emphasize the point in the paragraph.

Depending on the method I use, I do this in different ways. When I read on the Kindle, the paragraphs are highlighted. I get involved in interesting topics while listening to audio books. When I read printed books, I turn on each other and make notes.

But the real key is: save your notes in a way that can be searched.

There is no need to neglect the work of reading comprehension in your memory. I keep my notes on Evernote. Compared to other options, I prefer Evernote because 1) it can be searched instantly, 2) it is easy to navigate across multiple devices, and 3) you can create and save notes even if you are not connected to the Internet.

I store my notes on Evernote in three ways:

  1. Audiobook: I create a new Evernote file for each book, and then insert my notes directly into the file while I listen.
  2. E-book: I define a paragraph in the Kindle Paperwhite, and use a program called Clippings to move all my Kindle key points directly to Evernote. Then, before sharing it with my booklet page, I will add a summary of the book and any other ideas.
  3. Print: Similar to my audiobook features, I enter notes while reading. If I come across a long paragraph and want to rewrite it, I will put the book on the shelf as I write. (It may irritate you when you read a printed book, because you always keep the book and carry it, but this is the best solution I found.)

Of course, your notes should not be digitized as “browsers”. For example, you could use sticky notes to mark certain pages for future reference. As an alternative, Ryan Holiday recommends saving any notes on a reference card and organizing them by topic or book.

The main idea is the same: keeping a searchable note is important for restoring a simple idea. The idea is useful only if you can find it when you need it.

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